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Frequently asked questions

We have a selection of questions below which we have split into categories: General; Paddlesports; Open Water Swimming & Angling. There is also a dedicated page to the Angling Rules.

  • Can I insert an image, video, or gif in my FAQ?
    Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Enter the app’s Settings 2. Click on the “Manage FAQs” button 3. Select the question you would like to add media to 4. When editing your answer click on the camera, video, or GIF icon 5. Add media from your library.
  • How do I add a new question & answer?
    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Click “Manage FAQs” button 2. From your site’s dashboard you can add, edit and manage all your questions and answers 3. Each question and answer should be added to a category 4. Save and publish.
  • What is an FAQ section?
    An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
  • How do I edit or remove the “FAQ” title?
    You can edit the title from the Settings tab in the app. If you don’t want to display the title, simply disable the Title under “Info to Display”.
  • Am I able to pay for my membership without having a Paypal account?
    Yes, you can pay via credit/debit card. When you get to the 'Log into Paypal page', scroll down and instead of clicking the 'Log in' button, click the 'Pay by debit or credit card' button.
  • Who can I contact for help with Club related items?
    Our Club Support Officer will be able to help you with any queries you may have. Please email and he will contact you as soon as possible.
  • How do I join Manvers Waterfront Boat Club and what does it cost?
    Becoming a member is all done online via our Memberships tab on this website. All price options are shown here and memberships run for a full 12 months from the date of joining.
  • Can I upgrade to family membership?
    Yes you can easily do this within your membership account on webcollect. In the 'My Subscriptions' section there is an upgrade option from single to family member.
  • Can anyone use the lake?
    We are a members club and in order to use the lake you need to join. Please see our membership page: Membership | MWBC
  • What other membership benefits are there?
    Free parking is included in the membership cost. The Lake Trust car park has ANPR cameras in operation, so please ensure you add your vehicle registration number(s) to the WebCollect members system, to ensure you do not receive a penalty ticket. ​
  • What's included in my membership?
    Your annual membership fee allows you to access all sections of the club, both water and land based. There are no other associated costs for all standard club sessions (including angling). When joining you will be asked to state your primary interest, but you can still access other areas of the club.
  • How do I book onto a session?
    All sessions need to be booked online. This is to make sure that there is equipment available for you (if required) and for Health & Safety reasons - we need to know who is on the water at all times. We have produced a handy 'New Members Welcome Pack' for you to download as a pdf which goes through step by step on how to book on - see our downloads tab on this website. Downloads | MWBC
  • Can I camp overnight?
    No overnight camping is allowed on site. NB: Occasionally we will allow camping for an approved event only which must be booked on via webcollect.
  • How much is car parking?
    Any members of Manvers Waterfront Boat Club get free parking included in their membership (your registration number is entered onto our system and we have 'number recognition cameras'). For any other visitors the costs are: Up to 2 hours - £2 2 to 4 hours - £3 All day - £4 Please note: Car park locked at 8pm All vehicles left at owners risk
  • I’m a signed off member can I bring a non-member along?
    No. Manvers Waterfront Boat Club is a club, and our licencing and insurance does not allow you to bring along and paddle with none members. If they are looking to become a member then they need to purchase membership and then book on a club 'Start Award' (introduction / induction) or General Paddle session in the craft of their choice. If they are looking to try the club before committing to membership some of the club introduction sessions may occasionally be made available to non-members, but this may be limited where there is a high demand for sessions from existing members.
  • Can I just turn up?
    No. Everything must be pre-booked online. The club has very limited volunteer resources, and unfortunately anyone just turning up on the day and wanting to go on the water will be turned away. Manvers Waterfront Boat Club does not have a manned office on site, so if you have any questions please email the paddlesport section - Contact Us | MWBC
  • Why is it members only?
    Manvers Waterfront Boat Club is designated as a club, so like all similar clubs it operates outside of (the very strict) Adventure Activity Licencing on the basis below: Voluntary Associations A voluntary association (a non-profit making membership organisation, commonly a club) does not require a licence to provide activities to its own members or, by arrangement, to the members of another voluntary association. They can also hold open days or taster events to interest members of the public in their activities or to attract new members so long as no individual non-member participates this way on more than 3 days a year. If the voluntary association sells activities to the general public or to a school, a licence will be needed. So clubs are quite a different operation legally to a commercial centre such as Rother Valley where you may be able to pitch up and pay. Sometimes the perception of clubs stating ‘members only’ may be seen as them not wanting outsiders and wanting to keep things to themselves, but that’s really not the case. They are just strictly limited by government legislation which only allows them to offer activities to members.
  • What equipment is available during club sessions?
    If there are enough volunteers to open the boathouse, then some club equipment that isn’t being used for coaching purposes may be made available to signed off members. This is split between SUP, kayak and canoe. For instance this may typically be up to 30 SUP boards, and 27 kayaks/canoes. This equipment is currently made available free of charge to signed off members. Club equipment is generally easily available during the Saturday morning sessions from October to April, but in the warm summer months club equipment may book up very fast, particularly SUP boards. Kayaks and canoes typically book up a little slower but may still be very much in demand on warm summer sessions. Once you have attended the introduction session(s) and have been ‘signed off’, if you only intend to paddle on the warmer summer sessions then you ideally need to be looking to purchase your own equipment, as club equipment is likely to be in high demand, particularly SUP boards. The club coaches can help with any advice regards what equipment may suit you best. Most club members do aim to purchase their own equipment so that they are not restricted to paddling at club sessions.
  • Do I need to do a 'Start Award' (assessment for sign off) for each different craft?
    Yes. Each different craft, kayak, stand up paddleboard and canoe is different in terms of how you paddle it, self rescue, carry it, and launch and land it. You therefore need to complete a Start Award (intro session) and be ‘signed off’ for each craft.
  • What activities are available for children?
    The club aims to run ‘Water Rats’ sessions for younger members (approx age 5-12) which are based around paddling skills and progression in a variety of craft such as kayak, SUP, slalom and marathon boat. The Water Rats sessions have been very successful and with limitations in group size and with ever more, and ever younger children wanting to take part, these sessions may be in high demand. So the best thing to do is to also get coached up yourself so you are able to get out on the water with your own children.
  • What equipment is included in a coached session?
    If you are booked onto a supervised session then a boat or board, paddle and buoyancy aid are included.
  • Do you rent boats?
    No. Manvers Waterfront Boat Club is a club, and our licencing and insurance does not allow us to rent boats to the public. If you are looking for one-off on water events such as for birthday parties, school or youth groups, team building or corporate events then please contact 'Manvers Lake Activites' who are able to provide those activities at the lake:
  • What safety cover is there on the lake?
    If you are booked on a coached session the coach will provide the safety cover for that group. If you are paddling as a signed off member then you are responsible for your own safety, and jointly responsible for providing safety within any group of signed off paddlers that you are paddling with i.e. by using boat to boat rescues, just as you would if paddling on water away from the club. We would always advise members to avoid paddling alone, so for those less confident or for newly signed off paddlers you may prefer to paddle during the club sessions where there are likely to be others around to offer advice, although you are still responsible for your own safety and need to be able to self-rescue. All children should be supervised by a suitably experienced adult.
  • If I join will I be able to use my own SUP/kayak/canoe during the day, outside the club sessions?
    You can use the lake every day (unless we have an event on) if you have your own equipment/bouyancy aid. You would still need to be a member and book on so we know who is on the water at all times. In order to do this you first need to have been assessed by one of coaches and book onto a 'Start Award Introduction to Paddlesport' for safety reasons. This is a 1 hour session with a coach. The sessions are made available on Sunday evenings once the availability of the volunteer coaches is known. (If no session dates are showing there are none available at that time - email the paddlesports section to find out when the next ones are - ​ The above link will only work once you are a member and logged in to Webcollect (if you are not logged in you will not see all of the sessions).
  • Who needs to be ‘signed off’?
    All adult members that want to paddle should be personally signed off. In addition, all older children should also aim to attend the craft introduction and induction sessions with their parents. The club also tries to run ‘Water Rats’ sessions for younger members (approximate age 5-12), so that they can be coached in paddling technique and safety. Sign offs are intended to ensure you can look after yourself (not others) on the water and self-rescue.
  • What should I wear?
    We recommend in the summer you bring along suitable quick drying clothing and footwear. In the Autumn/Winter we recommend a full wetsuit or a drysuit for the time of year and expected conditions (some club wetsuits are available but are of limited size). We also recommend the use of suitable footwear so please bring along your own wetsuit shoes/boots/old trainers. No flipflops. Please bring a towel and change of clothing. You may also need a sun hat/cream and a water bottle depending on the weather.
  • Can I pay to launch my boat / board?
    No. Manvers Waterfront Boat Club is a club, and our licencing and insurance does not allow us to offer private launch to none members.
  • Why do I need to book all attendance on the members webcollect system?
    All attendance must be booked online on the WebCollect system (Manvers Waterfront Boat Club: Paddlesport Event ( This is so Manvers Lake Trust that manage the lake and site can ensure that those accessing the lake are signed off Manvers Waterfront Boat Club members that are licenced to use the lake. In addition, this allows the club to record usage statistics which is important for the club to show any funding that they have previously received has been well spent, plus helps the club to bid for any future funding. It also allows the club to demonstrate that they are following best practice regards Covid track and trace.
  • Wind - what is the orientation of the lake?
    A Westerly wind will be blowing directly onshore - from the lake towards the boathouse. An Easterly wind will be blowing directly offshore - from the boathouse towards the lake. You should always beware of any stronger winds that contain any Easterly in the direction, as they will blow you towards the bottom of the lake and you may struggle to paddle back. Although if you remain calm the worst that should ever happen is that you may have to walk back around the lake.
  • Do I have to do duties?
    There are some membership clubs that operate by all members being assigned compulsory duties on a number of days each year. Manvers Waterfront Boat Club is entirely run my volunteers that give up their time for free, but there are no compulsory duties that members have to undertake at Manvers. This does mean that the club is unable to guarantee that any coached sessions, club sessions or access to club equipment will be available, as these require YOU the members to step up and help out in order for them to be provided. The club welcomes new volunteers, so if you are able to help out in any way then please speak to your section head. Please Note: Depending on the role that you are able to help out with their may be some requirements such as DBS check, first aid or safeguarding that may need to be in place, but the club can help and advise regards any such requirements.
  • Can I use a gas operated floatation device instead of a buoyancy aid?
    No. Gas operated floatation devices such as the Palm Glide or Red Paddle Co Airbelt are not allowed.
  • How do I get assessed (signed-off) for paddling on the lake?
    Before you can use the whole of the lake you would have to book onto a 'Start Award Introduction to Paddlesport' for safety reasons. This is a 1 hour session with a coach. The sessions are made available on Sunday evenings once the availability of the volunteer coaches is known. (If no session dates are showing there are none available at that time - email the paddlesports section to find out when the next ones are - ​ Until you have done one of these sessions you can just book onto a 'General Paddling' session which lets you go on the water yourselves but only in a shallower area at the front of the lake: The above links will only work once you are a member and logged in to Webcollect (if you are not logged in you will not see all of the sessions). You can't just turn up to sessions as we only have a limited number of equipment so you have to book your place online so we can ensure there is a board/craft available for you. They do get booked out quickly in the height of the summer. When you are down at the lake, speak to a coach about the introduction and assessment and they may be able to help you further.
  • Once I am a member, how do I access paddlesport at the club?
    You need to book on a 'Start Award' (introduction / induction) or 'General Paddle' session in the craft of your choice. The club aims to run these sessions over the warmer summer months from May until September. These sessions are published on the members WebCollect system and may also be publicised via the ‘Manvers Paddlesport Section’ Facebook page. Before joining, please check for updates via the Facebook group regards what is currently available. If you are already an experienced paddler and hold coaching qualifications or Paddle UK awards and have proof, then please email the paddlesport section to discuss. You will still need to complete an induction session and be signed off before you can paddle on the lake, but we may be able to offer a more customised induction session rather than having to book onto a beginners introduction / induction session. ​ For anyone that has full winter paddling kit, such as drysuit or winter wetsuit, cag, winter boots etc, particularly if you are already an experienced paddler, then we may be able to run something outside the summer months, so if that sounds like you please drop an email to or Please Note: Everything at the club is run by volunteers. Coached sessions are run by volunteer instructors who give up their time for free, so are subject to their availability. The paddlesport section may be very busy during summer, and at periods where there is high demand the club may not have the capacity to immediately meet demand from new members or new paddlers. You may want to support the club and immediately join as a member, but there is no guarantee as to when new members and new paddlers can be fitted in. Before joining you may therefore prefer to wait until an introduction / induction session becomes available. There may be a charge for some coached / club induction sessions. Charges will be shown on the WebCollect booking information.
  • Why do I need to be ‘signed off’?
    This is for safety reasons to ensure that all paddlers have knowledge of kit, safety, paddling technique and rescues, and are able to self-rescue. Once you have completed the 'Start Award' ( Introduction and Induction) session in the craft of your choice. If you have your own kit you are then allowed you to paddle on the lake without any organised safety cover (you provide your own safety cover just as you would if paddling on water away from the lake), so these are essential elements we need to ensure are covered so people do not get themselves into difficulties on the lake. This also ensures all members get an induction session to ensure they are aware of any local hazards and how the club operates.
  • Do I need to clean my kit if I go to another lake?
    It is good practice to clean your equipment between lakes. Please click on this link for further information.
  • Do I need to wear a buoyancy aid?
    Yes. All paddlers on Manvers Lake are required to wear a properly fitted personal flotation device (PFD or “buoyancy aid”) whenever they are on the water. The current standard for these is EN393 or ISO12402. It is vital that this fits properly and securely e.g. the PFD does not ride up over your head in the event of a swim. PFD’s made specifically for canoeing and kayaking are best and these need not cost a lot of money. Good brands to look out for are Palm Equipment, Peak UK, Yak, Nookie, Astral. If in doubt, ask for advice.​
  • Can children paddle on the lake without a parent?
    For safety we do not allow anyone under 18 to paddle alone (unless approved by one of our coaches). They can paddle with yourself on your paddle board or a double sit-on top kayak or they can paddle next to you on another board/kayak if you wish. They can also go out with an instructor/coach in a 'Water Rats' session which are put on when we have coach availability but you would still need to be on site. If you would like to discuss this further please email: ​
  • Are there any extra costs for children / family paddle boarding if I pay for family membership?
    There are no extra costs for the standard sessions for paddle boarding on the family membership. It covers you for 2 adults and up to 3 children. You would have to book onto the session to ensure equipment is booked. Younger children can go on the same board as you or we also have double sit-on top kayaks. Paddlesport sessions are Tuesday and Thursday evenings (during the lighter nights in the summer) and Saturday mornings. See the 'Paddlesports' section on 'Webcollect': Manvers Waterfront Boat Club: Paddlesport Event ( Make sure you are logged into your account in webcollect or you won't see all of the sessions.
  • Can children be 'signed off' after completing a 'Start Award'?
    The WebCollect record of older children may be updated to show that they have completed an Introduction and Induction session for that craft (i.e. show ‘signed-off’ status), but they still need to be supervised by a suitably experienced adult.
  • Do I need to be a member to do the 'Start Award' (intro and induction) session?
    Yes, we are a members club.​ Also see ‘Why is it Members Only?’
  • Can I paddle on the lake outside club sessions?
    Once you are ‘signed off’ in the craft of your choice, access to the lake is available for you to launch and paddle with your own equipment on most days throughout the year. To be permitted access signed off paddlers need to book on the ‘signed off paddler’ event on the members WebCollect system, which shows dates and times when access is available. Please Note: There may be a number of special events throughout the year when access is not available. Access to the lake may subject to government Covid restrictions, and government and governing bodies allowing ‘paddling for exercise purposes’, and any limitations within those rules.
  • Are dogs allowed on the water?
    Dogs are allowed on the water with you if it's your own kit. We recommend they wear a buoyancy aid. They are not allowed on the club kayaks/paddleboards/canoes etc.
  • When are the 'Start Awards' (intro and induction) sessions added to the webcollect booking system?
    The sessions that are available for the upcoming week are typically added on a Sunday evening. Some additional session may also be added through the week if volunteers are able to run them, so it’s worth keeping an eye on the Paddlesport Facebook page for them being added.
  • Can I paddle on the lake as a non-member (even if I have my own equipment)?
    No, you have to be a member to use the lake. In peak season we aim to put 'Try it sessions' on for non members. The coaches are all volunteers and do try and put a 'try it' afternoon on every month. These will be advertised on facebook @ManversBoatClub No unauthorised craft are allowed on the lake for safety reasons. Join the club and take part in a wide range of activities safely, under our guidance. If you have your own equipment you still need to be a member and book onto the water (we don't have daily launch fees).
  • Can I swim in the lake as a non-member?
    We have 'Open To All' swim sessions (summer season only) on Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 7:30pm and Saturdays 8:00 - 9:00am. These need to be booked online - see our 'Open Water Swimming page'. If you are planning on coming on a regular basis then our annual membership is excellent value at £85 and then you have at least 7 sessions a week to choose from. No unauthorised swimming or inflatables are allowed on the lake for safety reasons. Join the club and take part in a wide range of activities safely, under our guidance.
  • Do I need to complete an assessment to swim in the lake once I have become a member?
    Yes you can book these via webcollect within our Swimming section. They start when the water temperature warms up in May. There is a small one off fee for this assessment. Please note: You will only see all of the sessions if you have logged into webcollect
  • How do I book an induction to get assessed for the open water swimming?
    The swimming sign-off sessions start in May on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Yes you can book these via webcollect within our Swimming section. There is a small one off fee for this assessment.
  • Do you swim through the winter?
    For signed off members we do swim through the winter, 365 days a year. For non-members, we have 'Open Water Dipping Sessions' most Fridays throughout the winter.
  • Do you hire wetsuits?
    Yes. Please email for further information/booking.
  • What do I need to wear?
    Please wear a brightly coloured hat for all sessions. Wetsuits are not mandatory but you must have a tow float if you don't wear one.
  • I have long hair, do I need to wear a swim hat still?
    Yes, everyone has to wear a brightly coloured hat for safety reasons. Swim hats are available to buy (from various outlets) for longer hair if you struggle with the standard ones.
  • Do I need to be a member to fish the lake?
    Yes, we are a members club and everyone who fishes the lake must be a member. We used to offer 'day tickets' for non-members but these are no longer available.
  • Do I need to clean my kit if I go to another lake?
    It is good practice to clean your equipment between lakes. Please click on this link for further information.
  • What are the angling rules?
    Please see the following link: Angling Rules | MWBC
  • How do I find out the 'gate codes'?
    The gate codes will be sent to you in your booking confirmation email when you book your session online.
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