Safeguarding at Manvers Waterfront Boat Club
No one involved in sport and physical activity, whether they’re a volunteer, participant, spectator or an athlete, should ever have to worry about abuse or harassment. Safeguarding in sport is the process of protecting children and adults from harm by providing a safe space in which to play sport and be active.
Gavin King
Safeguarding Officer
Teresa Hubery
Safeguarding Officer
Meet our Safeguarding Team
Our Safeguarding Policy
Manvers Waterfront Boat Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its members. All members should show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of others, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club. We believe that taking part in sport should be a positive and enjoyable part of children’s lives and to achieve this have the following aims:
Club coaches and helpers should follow the clubs Code of Ethics;
All Club coaches, helpers and officials working with young people should read and adhere to the clubs Safeguarding Policy. The Club will follow the guidance of the policy in the event of any concerns or allegations;
The Club will ensure that where necessary, anyone working with young people undertakes a screening procedure;
All Club members are made aware of the Club Code(s) of Conduct;
The Club will obtain written Medical details of young person which will be made known to coaches, where deemed appropriate and/or necessary;
Any person who coaches for the Club should be a member of the NGB. The club will encourage and support helpers to gain qualifications and assist coaches to stay up-dated;
The Club will identify a person whose role it is to deal with any issues concerning Child Protection and Harassment and notify this person to all members. Anyone with concerns with respect to Child Abuse or Harassment should contact that person. If that person is unavailable they can contact the Club Chairperson or club Child Protection /Harassment Officer;
If you would like to volunteer at the club please complete the Volunteer Form. If you have any questions or simply want to find out more about volunteering opportunities at the club please send us an email to
Reporting Concerns
You should follow this procedure whether a concern or allegation has been disclosed to you by someone else, something you have witnessed or something that has been worrying you:
Report your concern to a member of the Club Safeguarding Team (you can do this in person, or by sending an email to or by using the Safeguarding Report Form)
Tell someone you trust
Call (24hour helpline) Childline 0800 1111 or NSPCC 0808 800 5000 (keep trying if you can’t get through straight away)
Call British Canoeing Safeguarding Lead Tel: 0115 8655354*
* (If calling out of office hours, leave a message and we will respond as soon as possible the next working day.)
REMEMBER: It is not your responsibility to investigate a concern or allegation, or to decide whether someone is being abused. It is your responsibility to pass the information you have on to the appropriate person or organisation.
ENSURE YOU KEEP A RECORD OF YOUR CONCERN AND HOW YOU REPORTED IT. Try to include the date, time and place, what happened, the name of anyone who may have seen what happened and who you reported it to and when. Try to note as much detail as you remember.